Wednesday 21 November 2007

Bradford and Things

I have spent all afternoon watching MonkeyDust so I’m sorry if this week’s blog is a bit vague. Really enjoyed the visit to Bradford; I found it interesting and useful to see such a wide range of animation styles and techniques. Two films that really stood out for me where Rune Christensen’s ‘Down The Road’ and Vincent Paronnaud’s and Marjane Satrapi’s ‘Persopolis’ (sorry I don’t think any of the stuff on this link is subtitled). I thought that both had really good storylines and that has got me looking forward to the scriptwriting module but what I really liked in the films was the use of ‘economy of style’. I did not realise that what appears to be simple animation could be so effective and I want to try and adapt the drawing style from the films for my own character.

Moving on to this week: I found yesterdays session useful but a bit confusing; my chair looked OK apart from its rather hastily added legs and I couldn’t get the cushion propped up so it just sat on the chair and looked a bit boring, I suppose that I will become more comfortable with Maya the more I use it. Hopefully, if I get time, I will be able to practice more with it on Friday although my life does seem to be revolving around the exhibition project at the moment.

Not too sure what I think about tomorrow’s acting thing; I can see how it’s going to be useful to us but I do not think I am going to be confident enough to do it properly. Having said that everyone is most likely to be feeling the same and the guy doing it is a professional. I will probably write something about it tomorrow or over the weekend.

Thursday 8 November 2007

The Ball Task

Apologies for not getting the pictures of the animation I talked about last week; they took a lot longer to ink in than I thought it would. Anyway, they are in this week’s entry, although I think most people saw it on Tuesday:
I put in these two frames from last weeks task because they are just two of the drawings that I am most pleased with. Overall the whole thing worked pretty well, especially the walk, which surprised me as I thought I would just end up with a dodgy looking shuffle. My attempt to use more subtle stretch and squash backfired and ended up with hardly any anticipation at all. There was also a bit where I tried to make the character spin round which didn’t work at all but nobody seemed to notice it, so it might just be one of those things that you see if you no its there.

In this week’s task, the one with the ball, I experimented with using a much more sketchy animation style:

Admittedly this was because I was in a rush and didn’t want to spend all week animating it like I did with the last task. Personally I don’t think that the finished product looks that different but it is a good way to save time and it might become more noticeable with more complex characters and actions. I am really pleased with how this task turned out, I especially like a bit where one of the characters falls over and the other laughs at them. Once again I have been attempting to get the hang of stretch and squash; I have had a quick look at the finished sequence and think that I might be closer to getting it right his time but I’ll see what Andy says when he sees it.