Saturday 26 January 2008

After-effects and other computer based fun

Sorry that this is a bit later than usual; it has been one of those weeks. Will start by saying that I thought the After-effects session with Pete was really good, having the instructions in front of me was really helpful as it allowed me to work through it at my own pace and the Photoshop tutorial was a good re-cap and got me more familiar with the functions on this version. I would not say that I am exactly skilled in either, which was more than confirmed yesterday but its early days and I am hoping it is something that I can get my head round.

The essay was an interesting experience; I was comparing Stanley Kubrick’s films to The Iron Giant and Spirited Away. Having written this epic on Friday night, which was way over the word limit, I read it Saturday, did not like it and started again. I tried to keep this new version much more to the point and in the end I only talked about one of the ten or so points that I made in the original one. Despite all of this and making some pretty stupid mistakes, such as misplacing my notes on Dr. Strangelove and subsequently forgetting to include it in my essay and writing a page about Artificial Intelligence A.I. and then discovering it was released after Spirited Away, writing the essay has got me really interested in cinematography and I want to try and start reading up on the subject.

Getting the work done for motion studies has also got me really into character design; I took a lot of inspiration from an interview I saw with Quentin Tarantino a while ago, I can not remember if it was on Friday Night With Jonathon Ross or The Culture Show, where he talked about how he came up with characters and plots for his films, explaining how I tries to get into the mindset of the characters so that the film writes itself.

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