Wednesday 13 February 2008

I-dent project

A quick note to begin with, I forgot to mention Andy’s picks last week, Dirdy Birdy by John Dilworth, I thought was really good, I especially liked the use of music in the short and the character’s exaggerated body language. I want to try to incorporate this into my own work, although, so far I have not progressed much further than acting things out in front of the mirror.

The last couple of days have been spent trying to think up something for the OSTN I-dent, I can’t really think of anything “up-beat, electric, cool and hip” as my ideas tend to be completely the opposite. The fact that I am quite anti-American dose not help and I am fighting off the urge to start including subliminal messages. So I have decided to run with an idea for a storey that I have had floating around in my head since Christmas, quite how it will relate to the brief in anyway is a bit beyond me at the moment, plus I have done no research for it, its all just materialized and the characters have developed in my head so they have not changed much now that I have drawn them. I also have a horrible feeling that I’m going to end up with something that will offend most groups and few people apart from myself will understand. This would not be too bad but I have started to design characters, sets etc., which will make it quite hard for me to let go of it if the need arises. I’m hoping that tomorrow’s session will provide me with some inspiration to link it back to the brief, if not I will have to be firm with myself and lay it to rest.

Herbert Zettl’s Sight Sound Motion, Applied Media Asthetics is still sat in my room and I think I can safely say that it’s the first text book that I can not put down, I find the whole idea of lighting and camera angles fascinating; both are playing a big part in my ideas for the I-dent as well as a section on colour theory which I am hoping to put into practice on Friday. I think at the moment Flash is my programme of choice, although it might be a bit hard to achieve some of the effects I want I think that the animation on After Effects looks a bit wooden, although I do like the range of lighting and camera tools on it, and I don’t know where to start animating stuff on Maya.

1 comment:

Andy Wyatt said...

You are doing some good reflecting here, questioning yourself on the work you are doing. How was the experience of working in a team on the TV graphics brief. Did you enjoy the pressure?