Friday 21 November 2008

More lighting talk

So what can I tell you about this week, well I have had a play with the lights on the stop-motion set, aided by Ralph and we sort of have a rough idea of how things might work. As predicted everything I planned went out of the window, as we are restricted as to where we can put lights due to the design of the set and the fact that the animators are going to need space to get in and actually animate things.

That said we have a sort of three-point lighting set-up; with lamps and a reflector acting as the fill and back light, the computer software is really useful for controlling the brightness of each light so we can manipulate how they are used. We also have a couple of other lights picking out key details in the scene but I am a bit worried that they will create nasty cross-shadows, so it may require some tweaking. We are also using the aperture and shutter speed settings on Georg’s camera to control how bright everything is and Rosie has said that colour can be added to the light in post so that is something I don’t have to worry about but if I get the time I would like to try and find something to use as a gel just to ease the strain on the post department as they already have quite a lot of work to do on the stop motion stuff once it is filmed. I am hoping that I can do some more tests on Monday as well as working out where to put the camera.

Our pitch project now has a voiceover, provided by Ben and I have done most of the storyboarding and sketches for the animatic, which Rosie is going to start putting together over the weekend. I am hopefully going to finish of the storyboards as well as trying out some more ideas for the backgrounds and drafting out some stuff for the bible.

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