Monday 20 July 2009


Another quick little update, this is more for myself so I can remember what I am doing so it will probably just end up as a random set of incoherent notes that get mashed into something readable at a later date.

My final major project is coming along nicely; I now have a script and some rough thumbnails and am working on a load of concept art and character designs. I am also hoping to make a couple of models of the characters and maybe do some experiments with different effects that could be applied to the finish of the set.

I am afraid to say that, yes, I have ignored the advice from the panel and gone off and developed my crazy, puppy drowning idea which have turned into something slightly less drastic. I had thought it was quite an original idea but it is actually very similar to the Pied-Piper of Hamelin but there you go.

I have tried to keep the storyline and anything I have to make as simple as possible; there is absolutely positively no dialogue and if I am clever I can probably get away with just having two sets and a minimal use of special effects, I am also considering doing away with all Foley sounds and just having a music track but I think it may be too early to call that just yet. The main character is pretty featureless except for arms; it doesn’t have any legs so no walk cycles to worry about. The ‘puppies’ have now evolved into no descript ‘creatures’ which I am considering making out of lint and stuff, collected from a wide variety of nasty sources.

In terms of animation the creatures should be quite easy to animate as they are just lumps, although attaching rigs might be fun. The main character will be trickier, I plan to do a dance scene and I also want to try and get that rippling effect you see in the early Creature Comforts. That said there are lots of films with similar movements to those which I want to get so I might just ‘borrow’ a lot of the animation, like I did for the OSTN project.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Advice: its for wimps

So here I am again back to the blog, yayyy! And I don’t even have to be doing it. What is going on?

Well dear readers I thought to my self that since at some point I am supposed to write about the ‘thought process’ behind my work, it maid sense to make a start at it now whilst I’m actually doing the work rather than trying to remember/make-up what I did six months from now. So now you know, knowledge is power!

So what have I been doing? Well, I have tried to make a start on the final project work which is starting to gain a bit of momentum now but I fear it could all be in vain as I have sort of accidentally on purpose chosen to ignore the advice I was given in regards to it. You may recall that I submitted three ideas; the space one, something arty and pretentious and the happy cheerful story about a crazy old lady who throws puppies in rivers (guess which was my favourite).

Sorry I am really crap with names so I have renamed the advice panel thing as follows: ‘script man’, ‘Andy’s wife’ and of course Andy himself. They seemed to like the space idea the most because it had a narrative or at least potential for a narrative but the truth is that I haven’t really looked at that idea for almost twelve months and have gone off it a bit and don’t think that its worth me trying to work on something that I no longer have any passion for.

So taking the panel’s advice into account I am happily waltzing through the big gate marked: DANGER! DO NOT ENTER OR YOU WILL DIE HORRIBLY! And combining the two ideas that got an icy reception whilst at the same time trying to avoid a momentous cock-up and come out smelling of roses and more importantly alive and sane. Some of the advice has got through my thick skull and I will attempt to get some sort of narrative going so hopefully I don’t compliantly alienate the audience but at the moment I have a collection of random ideas that need stringing together somehow.

Well, there you have it: a mission statement!

On an unrelated note, here is a nice cheerful video, with what i think is some greenscreen stuff, I am rather proud that i found it: