Tuesday 16 February 2010

A jolly Good Update

I’m back!!!!! Yes I know its been a while but never fear for I am here. As of late the blog has died a bit of a death due to the big nasty scary dissertation deadline looming but that is now all finished and done so hopefully I will be able to find time to keep you updated on animation going ons at least once a week…maybe even more often!

Right, if I remember correctly, I was on the cusp of explaining the development of the piper character in my final project, this I will put off a bit longer as for the time being I think a jolly good update is in order.

So where am I at? Well I am successfully forging my own path to doom by treating most of the advice I am getting as ‘optional’ and hence I am going into production with only the slightest inkling of what I’m going to out with at the other end. I appreciate that this is not the most professional way to go about making a film, especially one on which so much of the rest of my life relies but planning stuff out like a good little boy wasn’t working. I do have an animatic, storyboard and shot plan but I am treating these more as suggestions of what should happen – I know how most shots are starting and ending but not necessarily what goes on in the middle…always fun.

As for the production itself I am well into the 2D animation which is supposed to be finished by the end of the week. I am a bit skeptical about this imposed deadline mainly because I thought I was going to be getting a ‘2D animation assistant’ this week, it turns out that I don’t get assigned someone till Friday, ho-hum. The actual animation is going quite well, apart from a few teething troubles early on I’m churning it out at a reasonable rate at a standard I’m happy with. As a result of my dirty mind and the sniffing of too many permanent markers the whole animation is becoming a bit of sexual farce with bouncing cleavage and suggestively shaped flutes galore but it makes people laugh and I think I’d rather have something which was funny and didn’t make sense to a film which is over analyzed and wooden.

Anyhoo, I will give a bit more of an in depth look into the animation in the next couple of days.

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