Wednesday 11 March 2009


Avast! What is that on the horizon?!?! Why it’s the good ship ignorance lumbering into view! With her merry crew of drunkards, now fueled by whiskey not rum.

She may have sprung a leak or two but the old girl will pull through; hoisting the storyboard sail so that the winds of narrative will blow us to calmer waters and away from the craggy shores of over zealous set building and such like.

The gist of what my pirate ultra-ego is trying to get across is that we launched into our set and character build a tad too hastily, before we had any proper storyboards actually in place, hence not really knowing what we required. Thankfully that man I can’t remember the name of, the set builder guy, set us back on the straight and narrow and I am now hard at work producing a storyboard, which will then be used for the animatic and hopefully be ready for Friday.

On Friday we all got together and had a day of building which was quite a nice organic experience; watching the character develop as we found stuff that would suite it. The characters we had built where the acne brothers or whatever there called, a policeman, Jim, Carl and the Sarge. Considering they are constructed out of odds and ends that Ben had amassed and a collection of hacked up Barbies and Action Men the evil aliens look surprisingly like my concept sketches (which I now have for your viewing pleasure along with some possible ideas for the sets, im sorry if some of them are sidewase) and the policeman bares some resemblance. The other characters are a bit different as they are adapted from things that Ben had already built. Ben has also constructed a cityscape, which I think sums up the overall hicildy-picaldy look we want. Hopefully we will be able to use all of this in the animation but if worse comes to worse we can always use them as guides for future building sessions. I will try to get some photographs of all of this along with the animatic for next week.

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