Thursday 19 March 2009

Grrrr! I'm Angry!

I warn you now I am in a particularly foul mood so I may go into full on rant mode but for the time being I shall try to keep things civilized. I think me previous blogs have been a little vague so I am going to attempt to write about all the stuff I have been doing in a little more detail.

So, to begin with I shall talk about the literature revue and all that lark. At the moment my proposed dissertation title is ‘Themes of Childhood In The Work Of The Quay Brothers’, just a tad ambitious methinks but you never know. This title came to be as a result of the lit review which I did on general stuff surrounding the Quays, amongst this I found some theory about childhood in their film This Unnameable Little Broom or The Epic of Gilgamesh.
Like the good little aspiring plagiarist I am I have stolen the idea and ran with it; today liberating the library of its stock of books that have anything to do with child psychology and how it has been incorporated into art. Providing I can understand this stuff I intend to do my next review on it and sound dead clever and bookwormish.

Next, scripting and comping! I will be honest, I have little, if any interest in this and don’t particularly enjoy doing it and since there are lots of other things I’d rather be doing I delegate it a very limited portion of my time. Nevertheless, I did, at first try and do the comping task but after a fruitless morning of trying to get the sky to move with the background (I only got the background in because of the a tutorial Pete showed me) and the Talking Dog yapping at my heels I gave up, slapped an angry logo on it, and rendered it, all in the space of five minuets, done!
You may be surprised to learn that despite my general anti-computer stance I have actually done scripting before! Granted, it was a very basic self-taught form of scripting but it does mean I have a rough understanding of computer speak. This doesn’t necessarily mean that I am any good, or I enjoy it, quite the opposite really. I do try and pay attention to the lessons but I find I often drift off into la la land and emerge with a random script that I might be able to write but not necessarily know what it does and why. So I think the scripting project will be fun. :d

A quick ikkle mention for the editing movie mash-up thing, I quite enjoyed it and was pleasantly surprised by how relaxing it was to do. It was interesting to watch the trailers, in particular the terminator one, to see how themes such as eye-line, movement or camera angles where carried from one scene to another to keep the trailer flowing smoothly. I’m afraid all that went out the window when I got my hands on it as I was more interested in making Arnie dance to Singin’ in the Rain.

Ok, I’m getting tired now so I shall discuss talking dog next week.

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