Sunday 7 March 2010

Quick Update

Thought I would just write a quick little update to keep you all abreast of where I am at on my project and perhaps more importantly where I should be at. This week I have been busy building the two sets, they are both in the same setting, except one makes use of forced perspective and the other is specifically for a zoom shot on the poster. I will post some more detailed notes on this later in the week. There have been a few teething problems, such as the paper I was using to coat the entire thing not sticking properly, which has delayed things slightly. As a result of this the forced perspective set still needs some odds and ends finishing up on it but the set for the zoom is all done and ready.
Since I am scheduled to start shooting tomorrow I will crack on and do as much as I can with what I have got but I only have the stop-motion stage for the one day so it is going to be a long day. That said, there are only two shots that require the use of the zoom set, so fingers crossed I might be able to do that in a day.
The fact that I am unable to use the stage for the rest of the week is probably a blessing as I still need to finish off the second set. I am also hoping that Holly can get the statues finished off and done too...production of these has been a bit slow but there have been lots of stressed second years about lately so I have kept out of the way, the set is not yet ready for them anyway.
The 2D stuff will hopefully be done and dusted this week, I know I say this every week, Sara has had all the stuff that needs tweening for the best part of the week now, so hopefully I can get my hands on that this week and start inking and cutting out in the evenings, as I need it, allowing me to animate during the day - thats the plan anyway.

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