Tuesday 30 March 2010

Rushes and things

Ok, I know I have been neglecting the blog as of late, so to make it up I have all of my animation from the past two weeks, of which there is a lot. I'm afraid its not in any particular order so don't worry about narrative, just flick through and I will provide commentary where appropriate.
There are lots of little changes I plan to make in the edit, such as holding the odd frame and cutting others out but hopefully the general gist of the movement is there.
Oooo, and just a note, these vids have all been pulled straight out of stop-motion pro so they are all stretched, not cropped right, in need of colour correction etc. and are just generally of crappy quality - enjoy!

Now, shot 25 (below) is an interesting shot, this is the one where the angry little creatures charge forward. It was unbelievably difficult and took me the best part of a day to figure out with the finished result being this funny little bounce they do. I'm in two minds as to whether or not I should go back and re-do this as it would be relativity easy to add a bit more movement and smooth it up a bit, but the jumpiness of it mimics the pipers movement quite nicely so I want to see how it looks edited together with footage of the piper. It might also look a bit different once the rigs are painted out.

I did this shot (below) today and I think its a bit iffy, the lighting is very ropey and the piper is completely cropped out in places so the tiny bit of movement you do see is very jumpy and not on screen long enough for the viewer to register. It might work in the final edit but I think I may have to re-shoot this one.

Well there you have it, all the plastercine animation, this week im on to 2D, Lee is coming onto the project to do some inking so hopefully I can get the bulk of it out of the way by Easter weekend, whack out a rough edit and work out what needs re-shooting. Yay!!!!!

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