Wednesday 14 April 2010

Rough edit

It's done, that's right all the animation is finally done. It been a pretty manic couple of weeks, hence the complete lack of blogging activity but somehow I have managed to get my project ahead of schedule for the first time in ever.
Now I am moving on to what is, for me, the hardest and least stimulating part of the project which is all the editing, tweaking and other digital black magic. It, doesn't really help that I have very little experience with all of this but hopefully I can find someone to hold my hand and guide me through it.
Anyway, for the time being I have quite literally thrown all of the rough footage together into a rough edit to get a gist of how the final thing will look. I must warn you that it was only done using low quality AVIs which were bought straight out of the stop-motion software so its all been a bit stretched and there is a load of stuff which needs cropping out of frame. And of course it all needs putting through photoshop to be tarted-up and have all the nastys removed.

So, we start of with these establishing shots which I have gone off a bit. Georg suggested scrapping the whole lot and just using one or two for titles; the focus pulls are a bit jarring and the pace of it is completely off from the rest of the film.
I like the shot of the creature breaking through the poster but the continuity between this shot and the one which it is inter-cut with is a bit off as the poster moves about.
I'm not sure about the aerial shot, there is a bit too much going on for anything to register, if the the quality of the picture is good enough I might try a much closer crop of the action to focus the viewers attention on the sleeping character.
Again, there is another problem with the viewer registering what is going on when one of the creatures rocks up to eat. The 'rape' scene before might break up the flow a bit too much and i am not sure if it is clear that the montage of creatures eating is supposed to be separate creatures.
I desperately want to re shoot the scene where we first see the piper because the framing is pants, the animation isn't great either but that could be fixed by repeating a few frames hear and there.
The next section, with the piper producing and playing the flute and the creatures reacting, works quite well. There is enough time for the viewer to register everything in frame since the shot is repeated quite a lot and I would like to think that the timing for the creatures starting to bob about is about right to achieve maximum comic effect.
The walking scene is funny but a bit short, so i might inter cut it with the boob bounce shot to extend it a bit. This might jolt a bit with continuity but if you watch the statues in all the shots they are never in the right place anyway.
Well thats about it, obviously the whole thing is in dire need of some proper editing but on the whole I don't think its too bad; it seems to be generating the laughs in the right places at least. At some point I will go through each shot and talk about how it was animated and the lighting and all that jazz, there you go, something to look forward too.

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