Thursday 20 December 2007

Holiday work

Not sure if we are supposed to be writing these over Christmas; I had promised myself I wasn’t but I am bored (yes I am that sad that writing a blog constitutes as a boredom busting activity). Will start off by apologising for the last two entries which were just a bit of a rant, was having a bit of a bad month or so, nothing to do with the course. Anyhoo, have got past that now.

I have finally got my arse into gear and started doing some more work on my character. Have started off by completely redesigning him, I am happy with his new look but it takes me about half an hour to draw him so I might need to simplify him a tad. I have also attempted to build a plastercene/modelling clay bust of the character, I was using plasterscene that was left over from a project I did last year so I had a pretty good range of colours and a decent amount of the stuff. Problem was that its over a year old and has been sat up in my loft which I don’t think it agreed with as it was extremely tough and when it finally started to get soft it just turned to goop. As a result my model is really just a glorified blob and I can only really use it as a drawing aid but I have done an animated turn-around of it, which I will try and remember to post at some point. I have also done a couple of walks for my character but I want to line test tem to see if they work before I take it any further.

The good ole chair is also being tweaked although I think that I am being a bit too ambitious with my design after my previous experiences with Maya but I’m hoping to get back to Falmouth early so I can spend a couple of days swearing at the computer.

Ooo, just remembered I put something in about the diving board animation in my last post. That is now done; well it was done two/three weeks ago. The bit I put all the work into did not really work at all and the bit I rushed because I was tired and wanted to go home worked fine, maybe I should put less consideration into my animation and just scrawl it down instead and hope it works, because most of the time those are the bits that work the best. Hopefully if I put some more in-betweens into it, it will smooth everything out a bit.

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