Monday 3 December 2007

My very very late entry (oops) :P

Sorry this is a bit late this week, the old blog took the backseat whilst Dan and I frantically tried to put together our presentation. Difficult to know how well it went but I think in the course of doing this project I have successfully lost any passion that I had for Monkey Dust, hope that didn’t show in the presentation but it probably did.

Anyway, in response to Andy’s comments from last week: the acting workshop was ‘different’, it has helped to certain degree, especially when we where starting to do the character walks last week. Although some of the stuff we did towards the end did not seem to relate much to movement but you never know, it could come in useful, trying to keep an open mind and all that.

Maya still succeeds in confusing me and leaving me swearing at the computer, I am fine in the lessons but the moment I try and do anything myself everything I have learned goes completely out of the window and buttons that did things in the lessons mysteriously stop working or acquire different functions that often have disastrous consequences; I have lost count of the number of times I have turned my so called chair into a shapeless blob. Perhaps some kind of handout with all of Maya’s key dooblybangs on would solve my chair melting dilemma, especially if we are expected to create our own masterpiece over Christmas. Having said that the only time I will be able to use Maya will be in what remains of this week and the two or three days before the deadline when I get back from my holidays since my computer does not have Maya on it and it would most likely implode if I tried to put it on it; I have enough problems with word.

Sorry, having a bit of a rant. I’m off for a beer and a burger to calm the nerves.

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