Tuesday 4 December 2007

Moan, moan, moan

A bit happier today after yesterdays moan, still can not really remember anything about Maya, although I was farley pleased with my chair and enjoyed stretching it about, the one I have at the moment dose not bare any relation to my drawing so I think I am going to have to start again from scratch but at the rate I am going it might actually be quicker to build one.

Have also finished re-doing the animation in the diving board exercise, I have put a lot of effort into trying to get a good walk for the character since we are starting to do that in motion studies, although I think I have probably just ripped off one of the sequences from The Animator’s Survival Kit. I also think that I rushed the ending a bit but I shall see what it looks like when I line test it. The inking still needs to be done on it so that might not happen till after Christmas. Have not really got very fare in developing a walk for my character, in fact I have not got anywhere; suffering a bit of a burn-out from the last project and a bit disheartened by the marks from the character sheet, its just starting to sink in now that yesterday’s presentation is out of the way. I did not think that I had done amazingly but at the same time I did not think there where any huge mistakes. Haven’t got any feed-back on what I did so wrong or how I can improve and that seems to be the general consensus amongst people that I have talked too. Ho-hum, it won’t draw itself so I better start doing something.

Sorry, moaning again, thought I said I was happier! To end on a more up-beat tone I am looking forward to the weight thing tomorrow, hopefully it will give me the kick-start I need to do these character sheets.

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