Thursday 6 November 2008

Pitch Project Things and Stuff

Lots of happenings this week in terms of the pitch project; I am starting to come up various bits of artwork for the bible as well as working on some possible ideas for the presentation. Here are some more development drawings which wont make much sense without the script but they are more or less like the sketches I posted last week.

We are now moving away from the idea of using a history or note book as our background, instead we are going for a sort of scrapbook theme inspired by Jon Burgerman, in particular his Lickins Print, and the print on his Colour-Me Doodle wrapping paper, which use cardboard, post-it notes and other random stuff as a background and has characters drawn onto it. I have done one collage, which looks a bit rubbishy, but I tinkered with it in Photoshop and added some extra textures to spruce it up a bit and quickly stuck a bit of artwork on it to get a rough idea of how it may look. I’m planning to spend tomorrow trying out different layouts and styles and maybe doing a few more backgrounds. I have also experimented with some different textures on the characters but that looked a bit drab and unexciting

For the presentation we are toying with the idea of animating our narrator, Professor Piddle, which may look good but animating ten minutes worth of lip-sync fills me with dread so I think he may have to be significantly simplified and possibly acquire a beard or something to conveniently covers his mouth. Ben was also thinking of turning him to some kind of rapper man thing that presents the material as a sort of rhyme. I am not quite sure how well this will work put I will have a play with the characters and see what happens.

1 comment:

Rosie said...

I really like the drawings you have done for the egyptions, etc, and I think they will work really well on our sketchbook background. They are so simple to look at and yet they also have a lot of detail, otherwise they would not be as recognisable as they are.

You have really carried us through a lot of this project and kept things going with your constant production of artwork. Thank you :)