Wednesday 6 January 2010

Happy New Year - welcome to the year of the limbless sloth

Happy new years and all that jazz. It’s been a while but I’m back. Apologies for the complete lack of anything recently, the dissertation has more or less taken over my life as of late but the first draft of that is now done and my new year’s resolution is not to do anything else to it for at least a week. And during that week I shall endeavour to get you up to date with all things animationy in my life.

First off I would like to announce that I have decided to merge this blog with the new baby blog, ‘photo phodder’ since I spend most of my time on it referring to stuff that is on this one or repeating stuff I have already written here. Plus it will make this blog look really big and impressive. So over the next couple of days bits of it will appear on here, I will try to edit it down so I’m not talking about things twice but inevitably something will slip through so bare with me.

Right, on to the project, well things are charging forward at the rate of a sloth, which has had all of it’s limbs removed with a spoon, looking for a straw it doesn’t really want in a hypodermic needle stack – I am brimming over with confidence. Quite frankly I think I might be able to make the rate of progress on the robots project look positively lightning fast but no one ever got anywhere with sloth based metaphors so I will pretend all is well and dandy and attempt to come up with something constructive.

I’m pretty much there in terms of knowing how I’m going to animate everything and how I’m going to build the set (specific entries on this soon) but surprise, surprise I still don’t have a proper storey. I was hoping that refusing to look at it over Christmas would mean I would come back with some amazing idea, alas this is not so, if anything I hate the whole concept even more than when I started – hate is not too strong a word I might add. I think at this stage I need to be told to do the storey i’ve got and hope it is better than I think it is or a radical shiny new approach is required. And as I write this the radical new shiny approach is looking favourable.

Rather than focusing on what I don’t have lets look at what I do got. I have characters, a way to animate them and a set, all be it an un-built set but nevertheless a set. I have a look as it where. From animation I’ve done in the past I’ve discovered that my best ideas decide to surface whilst I’m animating, so I’m very tempted to go back to uni, build the set and just start animating, using my half-hearted excuse for an animatic as a starting point only. It’s 50/50 as to whether or not this would work of course, the animation can always be reshot once I know what I want to do. So I guess the only way to fond out is to do it.

Yes, it can be argued that I should have done this sort of thing last term but its to late for should ofs and could ofs and the conventional method of doing things is clearly not working for me. As for the poor little second years that are supposed to work for me and will require meticulously planned storyboards and the like to tell them what to do… well that’s simple, I wont provide them with any. I have decided that I’m not going to have anyone helping with the animation so all I need is someone for sound and maybe some comping and if I don’t have a story by the time I get round to doing that then keeping a second year in the loop will be the least of my worries.

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