Monday 11 January 2010

Hate - A force for good?

Well here we are, new term, supposedly ready to leap into production – lets face it this was about as likely to happen as me sprouting an extra head I still hate this project with a passion but I am going to use this as a force for good – in theory at least. And how do I intend to unleash the raw creative potential that only hate can provide? Well, my tried and tested theory is that when I no longer care about the outcome of a project some kind, of creative mind block is removed and ideas flounce out all over the place. Lets take a look at previous examples shall we…

Live at 5: the sports table which everyone liked was produced during a period when I would have rather beat a broadcast journalism student round the head with a blunt instrument than produced for them various flashy graphics, in-fact the sports table was born out of a personal vendetta I was raging against the whole project, a vendetta which failed. Perhaps if I set out to deliberately create the most stupid thing I can I might get something good.

OSTN: a project which started out similar to the pied piper fiasco where nothing seemed to work, so I stopped caring, dispensed with the narrative and threw in a bit of moon walking and ended up with my highest scoring project to date – go figure.

Jesus Just Left Chicago: easily the most creative and least restricted thing I have done in the past year or so. I didn’t necessarily fall out with this one I just didn’t have the time to care in the first place, so none of it was taken seriously and it was cobbled together in an evening.

So what I am proposing is that I do away with the structure imposed by the narrative as that doesn’t seem to help me at all. Instead I will use the animatic I do have to dictate key events which must take place and then improvise the rest of the animation around these events. The real test will be in the editing but if I strip everything down to keep the camera angles and lighting really simple continuity should hopefully not be an issue and everything will hopefully come together at the 11th hour. Failing that I will at least have some nice animated set-pieces for my show-reel.

This week my aim is to get the animatic to a stage where I know exactly what camera angles I need, the actual finished animatic will not resemble the finished product in the slightest as I am using it as a more trial and error sort of thing to work out what looks pretty. I also want a rough idea on timing – obviously a lot of this will be dictated by the final editing but its good to have something to aim towards. For better or worse I want all of this out of the way by the end of the week as next week is dedicated to set-build, then couple of days to ponce about with lights before diving into production I have a schedule- and I mean to stick to it.

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