Monday 11 January 2010


I’m going to talk about some life-drawing stuff. The reason for this is that I have been experimenting with some exaggeration and shading techniques that I think could be quite useful for my final project. So here we go then...first up we have an example of my first attempt at some deliberate exaggeration; by making anything at eye-level really big and everything else really small. Unfortunately the models groin seemed to constantly be at eye level (thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it) so I have ended up with some rather suspect looking drawings.I quite like this sketch but I think the legs need to be tapered in a tad and maybe a bit smaller.

Despite the slightly disturbing 'Come hither' look in the model's eyes and the general nature of the pose, this is one of my favorite drawings, mainly because the amount of exaggeration and foreshortening is absolutely ridiculous. His arms are a bit iffy but I think all in all its not a bad attempt.
I do like this fish-eye type look that this technique gives my drawings and I think I will stick with it for a while and I want to try and incorporate it into my final project-maybe through some jiggery-pokery with the set design or the use of a fish-eye lens. However, I am not sure at what point this would cease to look interesting and just become really annoying.

For a while now I have been having a bit of a think about what sort of lighting I want to use on my project and I have been doing some experiments in life-drawing with just drawing the negative space around the subject. This gives a really nice strong silhouette and stops the subject fading into the background which is a problem I sometimes have. This could be a risk when I come to light my set so strong back lighting could be useful. I have found that if I put too much detail on the subject
everything can become a bit lost so I may have to do some tests to make sure you can still see what is going on.

A prime example of this can be seen in these sketches I did the other day; the head is fine as there is relatively little shading but the body fades away a little too much for my liking. I suppose it could be quite nice if you wanted something lurking in the shadows or stuff along those lines though.

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