Monday 1 March 2010


So much stuff has happened to my project in the past week I’m not really sure where to start, I guess a good place to start is the addition of some second years to my endeavor. I am very happy with my team, I must admit that I was slightly unprepared for the sheer amount of enthusiasm they have all displayed despite my rather useless attempt to explain what the project is about, it was a bit of a bumbled effort to brief them all but I am back in my comfort zone now that everyone seems to know what is going on. My second years are Sara, Holly and Jacob. Sara seems to be somehow deciphering the key frames I have produced for the 2D stuff and what I have seen looks very good and the bulk of it will hopefully be done by the end of the week, which by my standards is ridiculously fast. Holly is busy sculpting the erotic statues, which are going to be on the set which look suitably rude and make everyone giggle. Although she hates to admit it I think Holly is quite enjoying modeling engorged penises. Jacob is responsible for sorting out my sound and I have given him a big long wish list of Foley sounds I would like, so I will hopefully get some of those in couple of weeks.

With the second years doing all the important jobs I have gone out and bought a saw and some wood. Since I was feeling especially productive I have even cut up the wood and thrown a lot of nails and glue at it in an attempt to build the set. My GCSE in product design has obviously served me well, as despite the set being of a build quality which closely resembles Cherie Blair’s face the thing is yet to fall apart and that is an accomplishment in my book. There are still one or two issues with the paper covering on it not sticking properly but I will deal with that tomorrow by using more glue and a creative interpretation of the English language.

I have also tweaked the poster (in my post last week) slightly by moving the nasty creature a whole inch to the left. Before it was a bit floaty and the whole poster was a bit unbalanced, now I think it looks a bit better. My hope is that the red and black will stand out against the white set and really grab the viewers attention but we shall see.

The grand plan is to get most of the major parts of the set build done by tomorrow so that I can help Sara out with any tweaning on the 2D which remains and also make a start and the inking and then with any luck start churning out some animation next week – famous last words.

1 comment:

hollybird said...

I'll model you some more If you want