Thursday 16 October 2008

Maya shall not beat me... again

Quite a lot has happened since last week, what with the start of the Exeter project and all the other workshops and what not.

First things first, the stop motion sessions, which I am really glad we are doing, although we have only done two sessions and am finding it very useful. At the moment I am still interpreting the audio track for lip sync, which hopefully shouldn’t be too much trouble as I did a fair bit of that last year. I am a bit worried about animating my model, as it’s not that movable and will probably just fall apart as I haven’t made any separate mouths, but we shall see.

The pitch project, which I am doing with Ben and Rosie, is going O.K.. We are using bloopers from student’s essays as our inspiration. I think if we approach it the right way we will be able to come up with something quite good but it’s a fine line between getting it wrong and right in terms of how we interpret the text so that the animation brings something extra to the mix.

My audio project is almost done, I just need to get it all into Audition and have a play. I haven’t really recorded the sound with a specific plot in mind but I have tried to record unusual noises and I’m going to try and distort them a bit so I will hopefully end up with a completely bonkers track.

Finally, the Exeter Project, which I think, I might not be doing for the time being as I have defected to the Maya stuff. That’s right Maya! Whilst not yet a complete convert I did try and be good and do the Internet tutorials over the summer and I am now determined not to let it beat me… again.

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