Wednesday 8 October 2008

My Summer

So once again I return to the good old blog, hurrah! Actually in a sort of strange way I have missed it over the summer, it’s like being reunited with an old friend.

Well then, what have I been up to over the summer?

Just after we broke up I was full of wonderful plans for my stop motion epic, which I am still not going to say what it is, and for a while that was chugging along nicely but as I was trying to adapt a book which had already been converted into a film I found it increasingly difficult to come up with anything original. Also, I think I was just a smidgen over ambitious; taking on an entire book. Anyway to cut a long story short I ran out of inspiration and chucked it all into a corner in disgust. That said, now I have had time to cool off I find myself wanting to return to it again so all may not be lost just quite yet.

My second little project was going to be a bit of a political rant about this year’s Olympics, featuring a character that is forced to leave his home for the big city after his house is crushed by a falling Olympic stadium (subtle). After that it descended into a range of bizarre drink inspired events featuring, among other things, evil rickshaw gangs and strange pointy things that sold handbags. This did not progress much further than a couple of sketches as the plot wasn’t going anywhere. Still, I would like to think that one or two ideas could be plucked out and used for other things.

My final project came to me on a whim when I was watching Armageddon, (which was painful to watch) and I thought what would happen if Bruce Willis and co had failed to blow up the big nasty asteroid, resulting in Earth being destroyed leaving the failed heroes floating around in space. So I came up with my Bruce Willis hybrid character who is stuck in a space ship when Earth is destroyed and left all on his lonesome. I haven’t quite worked out how the story will progress beyond this point but I do have a pretty finalised character design and I got a bit carried away designing his spaceship and have done cross-sections of it and other sad things like that. I haven’t got round to rigging up my scanner yet so next week I will try to post some pictures.

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